HPNA’s online continuing education courses are designed based on current healthcare trends, clinical topics related to caring for the patient and family, and practice challenges related to, and in collaboration with, other members of the inter-professional team. Our faculty have the knowledge, experience, and expertise in the course content and are committed to promoting quality care for individuals with serious illnesses through nursing continuing professional development.

Our online enduring learning courses provide members access to up-to-date, convenient, self-paced offerings and real-time printing of continuing education (CE) certificates for archival filing. Nurses who participate in HPNA’s formal courses can accrue continuing education units (CEUs), also known as nursing continuing professional development (NCPD), to further their professional development and advance their knowledge in caring for patients and families with serious illness. In addition, all HPNA’s formal professional development courses meet the Hospice and Palliative Credentialing Center’s (HPCC’s) Hospice and Palliative Accrual for Recertification (HPAR) requirements towards HPCC recertification.

The Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association (HPNA) is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC). Provider number P0284.

Refund Policy
No refunds are permitted on purchases of eLearning courses through HPNA University.

HPNA Accredited Education Learning Library

Members should log in to their HPNA account before selecting a course for member pricing. 

Hospice and Palliative Care Program Development

Transitions in Care: A Case Study (Expired – Under Review)

Pain Management
Symptom Management
Advanced Care Planning
Evidence-Based Practice

Specialty Focus (Pediatrics, Oncology, Wound Care, Cardiac)
Mental Health
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
HPNA Learning Resources (non-CE Eligible)
Nursing Assistant Education

* APRN accredited continuing education hours (CH)

Microlearning Skills-Based Sessions

HPNA’s microlearning sessions are short informational learning courses that are specifically focused on one topic. Session times typically range from 10-20 minutes and are designed for skill-based understanding. These informal courses are not eligible for CE award.  Courses include:

  • Palliative Performance Scale (PPS) Microlearning
  • “Pain in Alzheimer’s Dementia” Tool Microlearning
  • Introduction to Clinically Aligned Pain Assessment Microlearning
  • Introduction to Pasero Opioid-Induced Sedation Scale Microlearning

HPNA Merchandise Store - Image of Cool Nurses Club t-shirt, an HPNA themed travel mug, and a Hospice crew neck sweater